Gathering of the tribes: strength in numbers
Gathering of the tribes: strength in numbers
$ 14,200.00
Size: 76x200cm; 2.5x6.5ft
Master weaver: Mario Bautista Martínez
Materials and methods: criollo sheep wool and fine merino wool hand dyed with natural dyes: Bèé (Cochineal), Yauhtli (Tagetes Lucida) and Xiuhquilitl (Indigo). Handwoven on a Zapotec style loom of the 16th century adapted from European styles. Woven using a 7 threads per inch reed and wool rayon blend for warp.
Patterns and symbols.
This rug depicts the fifth pointed cross in a way that it expands the four directions internally (a diamond withing a cross) and externally by reaching to other fifth pointed crosses acrross the land and linking them wiht a path of light (knowledge) and love (support). We live in a time where all the tribes of the world need to come together to solve the greatest challenges of the world to maintain the delicate fabric of live in balance before the life support systems of the planet rupture forever.
Size: 130x200cm; 4.2x6.5ft Weaver: Asunción Hernández LazoPrice: $500USD Order by DM to Pay by Venmo, Zelle or Cashapp and get free shipping. Materials ans methods: criollo sheep wool in its...
Kayù'u gibish lou Xiguie'aAtardecer en Teotitlan del ValleSunset in the land of the Gods Size: 4.2x6.5ft Weaver: Mario Sosa Price: $677 USD Materials ans methods: criollo sheep wool hand dyed with...