Toshkatl: the carrier of the universe
Toshkatl: the carrier of the universe
$ 18,500.00
Size: 130x200cm; 4.2x6.5ft
Weaver: Ruben Ruiz Price: 910 USD
Materials and methods: criollo sheep wool hand dyed with colorfast aniline dyes using an exhaustive method. Handwoven on a Zapotec style loom of the 16th century adapted from European styles. Woven using a 7 threads per inch reed.
Design, patterns and symbols: the cross represent the union of heaven and the underworld intersected by the earth plane. On the 16th of May in valley of Mexico city, latitude 20 degrees where the globe can be divided in 20 equal parts it was agreed by our ancestors to start the year on the day in which there are no shadows, May 16th, and kick start the year because this date also coincides with the transition of spring to summer. A celebration also observed by the Incas and many other ancient cutures around the world such as Beltane. The day of the solar Zenit varies according to the latittude but it is only observed in betwen the tropics of Cancer of Capricorn, in Oaxaca it happens on the 8th of May and August 5th. This rug depicts that cosmical cross of creation as seen in our calendar and this cross is surrounded by the diamond shape that represents the balance of the four directions of the universe.
Size: 130x200cm; 4.2x6.5ft Weaver: Asunción Hernández LazoPrice: $500USD Order by DM to Pay by Venmo, Zelle or Cashapp and get free shipping. Materials ans methods: criollo sheep wool in its...
Kayù'u gibish lou Xiguie'aAtardecer en Teotitlan del ValleSunset in the land of the Gods Size: 4.2x6.5ft Weaver: Mario Sosa Price: $677 USD Materials ans methods: criollo sheep wool hand dyed with...