Size: 60x100cm; 2ft by 3ft
Price: $600 USD
Master Weaver: Justino Martinez Mendoza
Materials and methods: Yute fibers hand dyed by Justino Mendoza using natural dyes: Béé (Dactylopius Coccus), Yauhtli (Tagetes lucida), Xiuhquilitl (Indigofera Suffroticosa) Zacatlaxcalli (Yellow plant parasite). Handwoven on a Zapotec style loom of the 16th century adapted from European styles. Woven using a 7 threads per inch reed and wool rayon blend for warp.
Design, patterns and symbols.
This rug depicts the spider (main siennia'a) the goodess that taught humanity to weave and become civilized, the goddess that is constantly weaving the universe so that it does not collapse. The spider web provides the structure upon which we can focus our attention and grasp reality in the spiritual world. The woven word creates the reality that we percieve in the awake world, for this we use the word Dishchei, which is also a word we use for precious gifts and offerings for ceremonial purposes.