Flowering spirit: scorpio, venus, sun.

Size: 60x100cm 2x3ft

Master weaver: Justino Martínez

$10,000 MXN. 

Price at check out shows in Mexican pesos.

Materials and methods:  yute fiber hand dyed with bææ (cochineal) and xiuhqulitl (indigofera sufroticosa). Handwoven on a Zapotec style loom of the 16th century adapted from European styles. Woven using a 7 threads per inch reed and a wool blend warp. 

Desing, patterns and symbols. 

This rug represents the awareness of the feather snake, Quetzalcoatl, who in fact is a mythical dragon from our culture. The Quetzalcoatl awareness can be achieved by seeking balance in all aspects of life and allowing our spirit bloom in this mortal dream. The last avatar of Quetzalcoatl showed us the path towards a blooming spirit by demonstrating the full potential of the human being. 

In the book Toltec, the last avatar of Quetzalcoatl, Frank Diaz documents the journey of Se Akatl Topiltsin Ketsalkoatl Nakshitl, im particular, after his exile from Chichen Itza, he takes the ruling septre and start making societal organizational changes based on merits rather than lineage, renews cities, opens new roads, builds water mananagement sites, starts schools, builds hospitals and in general terms betters living conditions of his people.

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