Dyes: pericón (yellow) and pomegranate for back ground. Aniline dyes for black.
100% criollo wool.
Weaver: Dionisio
The rug depicts the cycle of life and an arrange of cacti to remind us of the Teachings of Don Juan acquired during those long walks in the desert with the Nahual.
Size: 80x150cm; 2.6x5ft Weaver: Herlinda Ruiz Bazan Materials ans methods: criollo sheep wool hand dyed with colorfast aniline dyes using an exhaustive method. Handwoven on a Zapotec style loom of the...
Size: 81x121cm; 32x47.6in Materials and methods: criollo sheep wool hand dyed with colorfast aniline dyes in exhaustive dye vat. This tapestry work was handwoven on a Zapotec walking loom of...